The Irving Amateur Radio Club, Inc. continues its five decade tradition of being "The Friendly Bunch" by providing a mix of fellowship and activities in the amateur radio community.
Our business meetings are the 2nd Thursday of each month and our general meetings are the 4th Thursday of each month.
We also participate in numerous public service events, Field Day, and conduct monthly radio direction finding "fox hunts".
The club sponsors an annual Hamfest and monthly VE sessions.
Many of our members are active in emergency communications through ARES, RACES, and other volunteer organizations.
Club assets include a communications trailer, an all-band ham shack, and repeaters on 146.720 MHz, 224.400 MHz, and 442.675 MHz. The PL tones for the repeaters are 110.9 Hz.
Come join "The Friendly Bunch".
For more information, check out our website
The Irving ARC badge is $16.50 and includes a safety pin fastener. Click here to see other fastener choices.
To order, please select the "Irving Amateur Radio Club Badge" option using the CLUB ITEMS drop-down menu on our
order form.
Please remember to include your personal information with your order in the "Enter details below:" text entry space on our order form.